How to Vote 2020 | Diocese of Utah

“It is a Christian obligation to vote, and more than that, it is the church’s responsibility to help get souls to the polls.”
The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry
Presiding Bishop & Primate of The Episcopal Church

Election season is upon us here in Utah and now is the time to make sure you – and those in your community – are ready. This year (like past years) all registered Utah voters should have received a ballot in the mail. Vote by mail is safe, secure and easy! Utah has also taken measures to ensure that voters can vote safely in-person early or on election day in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Step 1: Registration 

  • If you have already received your ballot, great! You can skip step 1. 
  • If you have not received your ballot, you have until October 23 at 5:00 PM to register or update your registration address so your county clerk can send you a ballot in time. You can do that at
  • You may also register in-person on election day. See below for locations. 

Step 2: Research who will be on your ballot 


Step 3: How to Vote (You have three ways to vote!)

  • Vote-by-mail – When you received your ballot, it included a return envelope–you don’t even need postage! We recommend you vote early. The ballot must be postmarked by Monday, Nov. 2nd (Day before election day) 
  • Ballot Drop box – You may return your ballot to any official drop box up to 8:00 PM on Election Day (Nov 3). Find your closest box HERE
  • Vote in-person – Every county has early and election day voting locations if you wish to vote in-person. Click HERE to find nearest polling center and hours.
  • Remember, follow all instructions on your ballot. That includes signing the return envelope where it says to do so. Every year, thousands of ballots are not counted because people forget to sign! 

Step 4: Track your Vote 

  • You can track your ballot on to ensure your ballot has been received and counted. This is especially helpful if you choose to vote by mail. If your ballot was “Not Accepted” be sure to call your county clerk as soon as possible as there may have been an issue verifying your signature.


Step 5: Celebrate your Vote! 

  • We hope that you will share your entire voting journey because it could encourage and remind others in your community to be early voters, too. While you’re at it, download and post this special Episcopalian “I Voted!” sticker on social media and tag the Diocese and your parish.

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