Find a Church

All Saints Episcopal Church

Email: allsaints@allsaintsslc.org
Service Times: Sunday 8AM 10:30AM
2:00PM Sudanese Worship in Dinka
2nd Sunday of the month Taize Vespers
Website: allsaintsslc.org

Ascension St. Matthew’s

Email: ReverendASMPriceUT@gmail.com

Service Times: Sunday 10:30AM
Website: asmprice.org

Cathedral Church of St. Mark

Email: info@stmarksutah.org
Service Times: 8AM, 10:30AM
Website: stmarksutah.org

Church of the Holy Spirit

Phone: (435) 545-2400

Service Times: Sunday 11AM

Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

Email: office@goodshepherdogden.comcastbiz.net
Service Times: Sunday 10AM Español,1030AM English

Midweek Eucharist Wednesday 1130AM
Website: goodshepherdogden.org

Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Email: vicar@ecor.org
Service Times: Sunday 10AM
Website: ecor.org

Grace Episcopal Church

Email: exurgens@yahoo.com
Service Times:
Sunday 10:30AM, Wednesday 12PM, Saturday 5:30PM

Website: gracestgeorge.org

St. David’s Episcopal Church

Email: stdavidspage@gmail.com, vicarstdavids@gmail.com
Service Times: Sunday 10AM
Website: stdavidspage.org

St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church

Email: whiterocksrev@gmail.com
Service Times: 10AM Sunday
Website: stelizabethsut.org

St. Francis Episcopal Church

Email: stfran@etv.net
Service Times: Sunday 10AM
Website: stfrancismoab.org

St. James Episcopal Church

Email: office@stjamesutah.com
Service Times: Sunday,10AM
Website: stjamesutah.com

St. John’s Episcopal Church

Email: stjohnsreceptionist@gmail.com
Service Times: Sunday 10AM
Website: stjohnslogan.org


St. Jude’s Episcopal Church

Email: exurgens@yahoo.com
Service Times:
Sunday 10 AM

Website: stjudescedarcity.net

Saint Luke’s Episcopal Chapel

Email: ashley@stlukespc.org 

Service Times: Sunday 7:45 AM (Historic Chapel) 10:30 AM (Main Church on Silver Springs Dr.)  Chapel)

Website: stlukesparkcity.com

Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church

Email: pastor@stlukespc.org
Service Times: Sunday 10:30AM
Website: stlukesparkcity.com

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

Email: parishoffice@stmarysprovo.org
Service Times: Sunday, 10:30 AM
Website: stmarysprovo.org

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church

Email: suzy@youthimpactogden.org

Service Times: Sunday 11:30AM
Website: saintmichaelsut.org

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Email: info@stpauls-slc.org
Service Times: Sunday 8AM, 10:30AM
Website: stpauls-slc.org

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Email: stpaulsvernal@gmail.com
Service Times: Sunday 9AM
Website: stpaulsvernal.org

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Service Times:

1st and 3rd Sunday of every month: Holy Eucharist at 10:30

All other Sundays: On-line Morning Prayer at 9:30, In-person Morning Prayer at 10:30

Website: stpetersepiscopalutah.com

Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church

Service Times: Sunday 11AM
Website: ststephensut.com

San Esteban Episcopal Church

Horarios de servicio: Domingo 9AM
Página web: ststephensut.com

Spirit of the Desert Episcopal Church Community

Email: exurgens@yahoo.com
Service Times:
Sunday 3:00PM

Website: spiritofthedesertkayenta.org