A letter from your Transition Committee

Bishop Search Update

Our slate of candidates for the 12th Bishop of Utah was revealed on January 28th.   The candidates are The Rev. Canon Dr. Rob Droste serving as Canon for Congregational Development and Mission in the Diocese of New Jersey, The Rev. Phyllis Spiegel serving as Rector of St Anne Episcopal Church, West Chester, OH, and The Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner serving as Canon to the Ordinary in the Episcopal Church in North Texas.

Essays, sermons, and resumes are available on the Bishop Search website:  www.utahbishopsearch.org


Meet the Bishop Candidates

The next ‘Big Event’ will be the Meet & Greet tour April 4-8!

The locations will be Grace in St George, St Elizabeth’s in Whiterocks, Good Shepherd in Ogden, St James’ in Midvale, and the Diocesan Center for the Clergy.

What is the purpose of the “Meet & Greet”? 

The “Meet & Greet” tour provides a way to introduce the candidates for Bishop to the people of the diocese.  This is an opportunity for the candidates to see a sample of the churches and ministries that are representative of the life of this diocese.  It is also an opportunity for the people of the diocese to meet and hear the candidates.  The “Meet & Greet” tour is a part of the discernment process in which people of the diocese are asked to listen and prayerfully consider who it is that God is calling to be the 12th Bishop of Utah.    It is a discernment process for both those attending, viewing on video, and the candidates in advance of the Electing Convention.

Bishop ‘Meet & Greet’ Questions

The Transition Committee is seeking questions from the people of our diocese to ask the bishop candidates during the Meet & Greets.   You many submit more than one question.

We will review the submitted questions and select a series of questions for the candidates at each Meet & Greet location.  Please understand that we may not be able to select every question submitted and that the questions may be used at any of the Meet & Greet locations.

THANK YOU for submitting your questions which will help all of us as we discern whom to elect as the next Bishop of the Diocese of Utah.

Please submit your questions, no later than Monday March 7, 2022

Submit questions to TransitionCommittee@episcopal-ut.org   or   https://diocese.wufoo.com/forms/z1r6sdkk0593geb/


Transition Committee Chairs

Nancy Tanner

Russ Pack

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