Author: Craig Wirth

Intergenerational Tea

It was not only a tea with wonderful treats and elegant tea sets, it was a new expanded multigenerational ministry for Karen Gleeson, who we have known over the years for her camp and youth ministry programs. She is now adding events and…

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Uintah Basin Bapstisms

Bishop Phyllis Spiegel finds the task of performing baptisms among the greatest joy in ministry. That joy was magnified time after time on May 12th as nine young people and adults were brought into the community of Christians through baptism.…

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Soup, Serve, and Sing

Soup, Serve, and Sing

Do you love singing camp songs? Please join us in spreading songs of joy to others! Youth in Grades 5 and higher are invited to join together to serve soup and sing camp songs at St. Mark’s Towers. This…

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Diocesan Staff Hosts Coffee Hour

This past Sunday, the Diocesan Staff hosted Coffee Hour over at St. Mark’s Cathedral Church. A few of the staff also offered tours of the ECCU during this time. It was a wonderful chance for the parish to get to know the staff better. What a blessed…

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St. James Car Show

2023 St. James Car Show

On Saturday, September 23rd, St. James is hosting its Fifth Annual Car Show fundraiser from 10:00-3:00.  There will be food trucks, music, awards, and auction items.  The show is open to all vehicle…

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Honoring Paul Jones

The Fourth Bishop of Utah, the Rt. Rev. Paul Jones is the only Utahn to have an Episcopal Church Feast Day (Sept. 4th) He was born on January 28, 1880, and died September 4, 1941, Bishop Jones was once forced to resign as the Bishop of Utah because…

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